Friday, January 11, 2013

Records will be broken!

Of course we are excited to see when an individual jumps farther, swims faster, scores more points than ever before. We want to commemorate these records and often we do so with perpetual plaques. However, even in light of these lofty achievements, we have to think of simple logistics of how to honor. For example, you might not have the room in your trophy case to add one more perpetual plaque. Or perhaps there is a certain event where records are broken so often, it's hard to maintain updating your existing plaque.

Nicolet High School had such a problem with their track & field events. Their trophy cases are filled to the brim with awards and their talented students keep breaking records! For this we designed a custom plaque using door name-plate holders to serve as tracks that are open on each end:

Now custom-cut plates imprinted with the athlete's details can be slid in and out of the tracks as records are made and broken. There is no need for tape and no hassle with changing achievements! Which goes to show you, just because you don't find it on our website, doesn't mean we can't do it!