If you have an unusual event coming up at your company, school or just among a group of friends, consider making the day memorable with a unique trophy made specifically for the occasion.
Take, for example, a local high school spaghetti fest. We actually created unique awards for them featuring chef figurine trophy tops. At the white marble base of the trophy is a blue plate engraved with their custom event inscription. To up the ante, you could also place the figure on your choice of trophy column.
Think we can't find a custom trophy for you? Some of our more atypical figures include: Volkswagon Bug, school bus, baton twirler, domino, hereford cow, tuna fish, bugler, roller blade, santa, tug of war player, arm wrestlers, water polo player, computer, and paintball player. Also, if we can't find the exact figurine you are looking for, we can design a custom theme-specific graphic to imprint onto a gold disc and fit into a trophy top.
Our customer service reps can help you find the perfect custom trophy for your event! Give us a call and we'll help you out! 1-800-726-0425